Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ancient Hippie Yogurt from The Last Whole Earth Catalog

Yes, you can make it at home and you don't need any thermometers or special equipment, either. This is a genuine ancient hippie recipe that really works; it was printed in The Last Whole Earth Catalog in 1971.

3 cups of instant powdered milk
1/2 tsp. unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon sugar (optional)
1 large can Pet Evaporated Milk
3 tablespoons yogurt (plain, unflavored)

1. Preheat the oven to about 275o F (between 250o and 300o). Soften the gelatin in measuring cup in a bit of water, then add enough boiling water to make one cup. If you want to add sugar, put it in the cup now. Let the mixture cool.

2. Mix the instant powered milk with three cups of water and stir well.

3. In a large glass or pottery ovenproof bowl, mix the evaporated milk with two cups of tepid water. Add the diluted instant powdered milk, the gelatin mixture and the yogurt. Stir thoroughly.

4. Cover the bowl, put it in the oven and turn the oven off. Leave it overnight or about 10 hours. Then, look in the bowl -- it's yogurt! Yield: two quarts.


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